一步步、一句句精学精练 - 2018年大学英语六级12月卷 II

A computer background

2018年大学英语六级12月卷 II

第一部分 第一节 第 1~4 小题

1 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Stop worrying about him.
B. Keep away from the statue.
C. Take a picture of him.
D. Pat on a smile for the photo.
What does the man ask the woman to do?
Take a picture of him.

2 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Gaining great fame on the Internet.
B. Publishing a collection of his photos.
C. Collecting the best photos in the world.
D. Becoming a professional photographer.
What does the man dream of?
Gaining great fame on the Internet.

3 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Surfing various websites and collecting photos.
B. Editing his pictures and posting them online.
C. Following similar accounts to compare notes.
D. Studying the pictures in popular social media.
What has the man been busy doing recently?
Editing his pictures and posting them online.

4 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They are far from satisfactory.
B. They are mostly taken by her mom.
C. They make an impressive album.
D. They record her fond memories.
What does the woman say about her photos?
They are far from satisfactory.


考频 4次
占比 2.2%

第一部分 第二节 第 5~8 小题

5 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. A journal reporting the latest progress in physics.
B. An introductory course of modem physics.
C. An occasion for physicists to exchange ideas.
D. A series of interviews with outstanding physicists.
What does the man say is Physics Today?
A series of interviews with outstanding physicists.

6 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. The future of the physical world.
B. The origin of the universe.
C. Sources of radiation.
D. Particle theory.
What is the woman physicists main research area?
The origin of the universe.

7 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. How matter collides with anti-matter.
B. Whether the universe will turn barren.
C. Why there exists anti-matter.
D. Why there is a universe at all
What is the woman interested in?
Why there is a universe at all

8 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Matter and anti-matter are opposites of each other.
B. Anti-matter allowed humans to come into existence.
C. The universe formed due to a sufficient amount of matter.
D. Anti-matter exists in very high-temperature environments.
What seems to be the finding of the recent study?
The universe formed due to a sufficient amount of matter.


考频 18次
占比 9.9%

第二部分 第一节 第 9~11 小题

9 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. She found herself speaking a foreign language.
B. She woke up speaking with a different accent.
C. She found some symptoms of her illness gone.
D. She woke up finding herself in another country.
What happened to Michelle Myers one day?
She woke up speaking with a different accent.

10 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It is usually caused by a stroke or brain injury.
B. It has not yet found any effective treatment.
C. It leaves the patient with a distorted memory.
D. It often happens to people with speech defects.
What does the passage say about Foreign Accent Syndrome?
It is usually caused by a stroke or brain injury.

11 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. British.
B. Irish.
C. Russian.
D. Australian.
What accent did another American woman speak with after a head injury?


考频 2次
占比 1.1%

第二部分 第二节 第 12~15 小题

12 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Water sports.
B. Racing in rivers.
C. Stories about women swimmers.
D. Books about swimming.
What has become so popular recently?
Books about swimming.

13 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. She succeeded in swimming across the English Channel.
B. She published a guide to London's best swimming spots.
C. She told her story of adventures to some young swimmers.
D. She wrote a book about the history of swimwear in the UK.
What did Jenny Landreth do recently?
She published a guide to London's best swimming spots.

14 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They loved vacationing on the seashore.
B. They had a unique notion of modesty.
C. They were prohibited from swimming.
D. They were fully dressed when swimming.
What do we learn about women in the Victorian era?
They were fully dressed when swimming.

15 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. She designed lots of appropriate swimwear for women.
B. She once successfully competed against men in swimming.
C. She was the first woman to swim across the English Channel.
D. She was an advocate of women's right to swim in public pools.
What does the passage say about Gertrude Ederle?
She was the first woman to swim across the English Channel.


考频 12次
占比 6.6%

第三部分 第一节 第 16~18 小题

16 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Build a machine that can detect lies.
B. Develop a magnetic brain scanner.
C. Test the credibility of court evidence.
D. Win people's complete trust in them.
What have researchers and law enforcement agencies tried to do?
Build a machine that can detect lies.

17 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They are optimistic about its potential.
B. They are sceptical of its reliability.
C. They think it is but business promotion.
D. They celebrate it with great enthusiasm.
How do many brain scientists respond to the Massachusetts company's so-called technological breakthrough?
They are sceptical of its reliability.

18 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It is not to be trusted at all.
B. It does not sound economical.
C. It may intrude into people's privacy.
D. It may lead to overuse in court trials.
What does the speaker think of using a high-tech test to determine whether a person is telling the truth?
It is not to be trusted at all.


考频 24次
占比 13.2%

第三部分 第二节 第 19~21 小题

19 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Most of its residents speak several languages.
B. Some of its indigenous languages are dying out.
C. Each village there speaks a totally different language.
D. Its languages have interested researchers the world over.
What does the speaker say about the island of Makelua?
Each village there speaks a totally different language.

20 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They are spread randomly across the world.
B. Some are more difficult to learn than others.
C. More are found in tropical regions than in the mild zones.
D. They enrich and impact each other in more ways than one.
What do we learn from the talk about languages in the world?
More are found in tropical regions than in the mild zones.

21 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They used different methods to collect and analyze data.
B. They identified distinct patterns of language distribution.
C. Their conclusions do not correspond to their original hypotheses.
D. There is no conclusive account for the cause of language diversity.
What have the diverse team of researchers found about the previous studies on language diversity?
There is no conclusive account for the cause of language diversity.


考频 11次
占比 6%

第三部分 第三节 第 22~25 小题

22 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Its middle-class is disappearing.
B. Its wealth is rationally distributed.
C. Its population is rapidly growing.
D. Its cherished dream is coming true.
What do the surveys show about America according to the speaker?
Its middle-class is disappearing.

23 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Success was but a dream without conscientious effort.
B. They could realize their dreams through hard work.
C. A few dollars could go a long way.
D. Wealth was shared by all citizens.
What did Americans use to believe?
They could realize their dreams through hard work.

24 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Better working conditions.
B. Better-paying jobs.
C. High social status.
D. Full employment.
What do low-income people aspire to?
Full employment.

25 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Reduce the administrative costs.
B. Adopt effective business models.
C. Hire part-time employees only.
D. Make use of the latest technology.
What do businesses do to increase their revenues?
Hire part-time employees only.


考频 22次
占比 12.1%
