一步步、一句句精学精练 - 2021年英语四级6月卷 II

A computer background

2021年英语四级6月卷 II

新闻报道-1 第 1~2 题

1 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. See the Pope.
B. Go to Newcastle
C. Travel to Germany.
D. Tour an Italian city
What did the old age pensioner plan to do?
See the Pope.

2 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. He was taken to hospital in an ambulance.
B. His car hit a sign and was badly damaged.
C. His GPS system went out of-order.
D. He ended up in the wrong place.
What finally happened to the old man?
He ended up in the wrong place.


考频 10次
占比 3.8%

新闻报道-2 第 3~4 题

3 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Scotland will reach the national target in carbon emissions reduction ahead of schedule.
B. Glasgow City Council has made a deal with ScottishPower on carbon emissions.
C. Glasgow has pledged to take the lead in reducing carbon emissions in the UK.
D. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon urged ScottishPower to reduce carbon emissions.
What do we learn from the news report?
Glasgow has pledged to take the lead in reducing carbon emissions in the UK.

4 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Glasgow needs to invest in new technologies to reach its goal.
B. Glasgow is going to explore new sources of renewable energy.
C. Stricter regulation is needed in transforming Glasgow's economy.
D. It's necessary to create more low-emission zones as soon as possible.
Q4:What did Scottish Powers chief executive say ahead of the All Energy Conference?
Glasgow needs to invest in new technologies to reach its goal.


考频 8次
占比 3.1%

新闻报道-3 第 5~7 题

5 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It donates money to overpopulated animal shelters.
B. It permits employees to bring cats into their office.
C. It gives 5,000 yen to employees who keep pet cats.
D. It allows workers to do whatever their hearts desire.
What do we learn from the news report about the Japanese IT firm?
It permits employees to bring cats into their office.

6 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Keep cats off the street.
B. Rescue homeless cats.
C. Volunteer to help in animal shelters.
D. Contribute to a fund for cat protection.
What does Fukuda encourage his employees to do?
Rescue homeless cats.

7 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It has contributed tremendously to the firm's fame.
B. It has helped a lot to improve animals' well-being.
C. It has led some other companies to follow suit.
D. It has resulted in damage to office equipment.
What does the news report say about the firm's policy?
It has led some other companies to follow suit.


考频 20次
占比 7.7%

对话-1 第 8~11 小题

8 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Find out where Jimmy is.
B. Borrow money from Jimmy.
C. Make friends with Jimmy.
D. Ask Jimmy what is to be done.
Q8: What does the man want to do?
Find out where Jimmy is.

9 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. He was unsure what kind of fellow Jimmy was.
B. He was working on a study project with Jimmy.
C. He wanted to make a sincere apology to Jimmy.
D. He wanted to invite her to join in a study project.
Q9:What do we learn about the man who came to see the woman yesterday?
He was working on a study project with Jimmy.

10 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. He got a ticket for speeding.
B. He got his car badly damaged.
C. He was involved in a traffic accident.
D. He had an operation for his injury.
Q10:What did Jimmy say happen to him one day?
He was involved in a traffic accident.

11 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. He needed to make some donation to charity.
B. He found the 60 pounds in his pocket missing.
C. He wanted to buy a gift for his mother's birthday.
D. He wanted to conceal something from his parents.
Q11:Why did Jimmy borrow money According to the man?
He wanted to conceal something from his parents.


考频 11次
占比 4.2%

对话-2 第 12~15 小题

12 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Shopping delivery.
B. Shopping online.
C. Where he goes shopping.
D. How often he does shopping
Q12: What did the woman want to ask Max about?
Shopping online.

13 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Searching in the aisles.
B. Dealing with the traffic.
C. Driving too long a distance.
D. Getting one's car parked.
Q13:What does the man think is a problem with shopping in supermarkets?
Getting one's car parked.

14 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. The after-sales service.
B. The replacement policy.
C. The quality of food products.
D. The damage to the packaging.
Q14: What is the woman's concern about shopping online?
The quality of food products.

15 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It saves money.
B. It offers more choice.
C. It increases the joy of shopping.
D. It is less time-consuming.
Q15:What does the man find about shopping online?
It saves money.


考频 17次
占比 6.5%

短文-1 第 16~18 题

16 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They have little talent for learning math.
B. They medical help for math anxiety.
C. They need extra help to catch up in the math class.
D. They have strong negative emotions towards math.
What did a recent study find about some British children?
They have strong negative emotions towards math.

17 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It will gradually pass away without teachers' help.
B. It affects low performing children only.
C. It is related to a child's low intelligence.
D. It exists mostly among children from poor families.
What is the widespread misunderstanding about math anxiety?
It affects low performing children only.

18 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Most of them have average to strong math ability.
B. Most of them get timely help from their teachers.
C. They will regain confidence with counselling.
D. They are mostly secondary school students.
What does the passage say about British students with math anxiety?
Most of them have average to strong math ability.


考频 7次
占比 2.7%

短文-2 第 19~21 题

19 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. Social media addiction is a threat to our health.
B. Too many people are addicted to smartphones.
C. Addiction to computer games is a disease.
D. Computer games can be rather addictive.
Q19: What conclusion has the World Health Organization come to recently.
Addiction to computer games is a disease.

20 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They prioritize their favored activity over what they should do.
B. They do their favored activity whenever and wherever possible.
C. They are unaware of the damage their behavior is doing to them.
D. They are unable to get rid of their addiction without professional help.
Q20: What is said of people with addictive behavior?
They prioritize their favored activity over what they should do.

21 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. It may be less damaging than previously believed.
B. There will never be agreement on its harm to people.
C. It may prove to be beneficial to developing creativity.
D. There is not enough evidence to classify it as a disease.
Q21: What do some behavioral experts think of addiction to computer games?
There is not enough evidence to classify it as a disease.


考频 13次
占比 5%

短文-3 第 22~25 题

22 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They are relatively uniform in color and design.
B. They appear more formal than other passports.
C. They are a shade of red bordering on brown.
D. They vary in color from country to country.
What do we learn about most European passports?
They are a shade of red bordering on brown.

23 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They must endure wear and tear.
B. They must be of the same size.
C. They must be made from a rare material.
D. They must follow some common standards.
What does the passage say about the design of passports?
They must follow some common standards.

24 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. They look more traditional.
B. They look more official.
C. They are favored -by- airlines.
D. They are easily identifiable.
Why are dark colors chosen for passport covers?
They look more official.

25 听问题 锁定正确答案

A. For beauty.
B. For variety.
C. For visibility.
D. For security.
What is one especial function of the images inside many passports?
For security.


考频 10次
占比 3.8%
